Sunday 27 September 2015

Dumbo's Mum.

So how does it feel to be infertile in a fertile world? This picture sums it up better than any words I could muster. I stumbled across this on pinterest and immediately broke down because it sums it up perfectly.

Yep that’s me. (told you I’d be full of self-pity – but please allow me to indulge). And also 1 in 8 couples. I’d like to give you some advice if I may. Be careful what you say to people who don’t have children. You don’t know their story. And if people do tell you about their struggles, think before you speak. I know you care and I know you want to help.

The best thing you can do to help is to do some research. Find out what we are going through and what IVF entails. Ask questions if you don’t understand. Ask us how we are. Remember when our appointments are and let us know you are thinking of us. Don’t hide your pregnancy or your happiness. I’m happy for you. But yes, if I’m honest I’m also jealous. And hurting. But I am still happy for you. Don’t tell us to 'just adopt'. Yes, adoption may well be an option but it does not make up for the loss of not being able to carry your own child. “Once you adopt you’ll get pregnant!” Erm, no actually we won’t. That is impossible for us. And also undermines adoption. If we choose to go down that route then that will be our child, and we will be ready to welcome and celebrate him or her as our own. And if your uncle’s wife’s niece’s cousin had IVF and was successful that’s great. I’m happy for them. But it doesn’t actually help us. Everyone is different and everyone has different issues. Because it happened to them, doesn’t mean it will happen for us. “My husband just has to walk past me and I get pregnant!” Seriously?! “It took me almost a year to get pregnant, so I understand.” A year isn’t bad actually. Try 5, and we are not even close. I get that it is difficult. How can I expect you to understand when you haven’t walked in my shoes? Again, I‘m sure this sounds bitter - well, yeh, because I am.

 I’m also very fortunate to have a huge amount of love and support surrounding me. I’ve always been really open and honest about our struggle for several reasons. Firstly, it is simply who I am. I can’t really keep things to myself. I tell people everything – sometime I think it is a curse and sometimes I think it is good quality. Either way, I can’t help myself. The benefits of that is I have massive network of support – within my family, within my friends and within my workplace. The down side of it is when things go wrong I have to tell everyone. Tell everyone that we failed. I failed. Even with the help of fucking science, we still can’t get fucking pregnant. 

But also because infertility has a silent voice. People don’t talk about it. And why shouldn’t they? I’m not ashamed. It’s not a choice. It isn’t because we lived our lives a certain way. It just….is. By telling people they, in turn, open up about their experiences. The other reason is that IVF is an incredibly gruelling and intensive process. It affects you physically, mentally and emotionally. I knew I would not be able to continue by day to day life without people noticing I was not myself - for example on my 35th birthday, after two weeks of ‘down regging’ (injections which shut down your body in order for the fertility clinic to take it over) I started my period (AF – Aunty Flo in the infertility world – I’ve always quite liked that one and yes, sorry, tmi). I was in agony and my hormones were raging. I sobbed every time anyone said happy birthday to me. Had my wonderful team and friends not known what I was going through they probably would have had me committed. So this blog is also my way of giving infertility a voice, I hope someone, somewhere will read it and find it useful.

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